在addons/web/i18n/下把zh_CN.po,复制一份改名为zh.po。刷新下你的浏览器,看看熟悉的中文是不是又出现了 🙂
def bootstrap_translations(self, mods):
""" Load local translations from *.po files, as a temporary solution
until we have established a valid session. This is meant only
for translating the login page and db management chrome, using
the browser's language. """
# For performance reasons we only load a single translation, so for
# sub-languages (that should only be partially translated) we load the
# main language PO instead - that should be enough for the login screen.
lang = request.lang.split('_')[0]
这里注释的意思是他会根据浏览器语言选择翻译。注意这里中文浏览器语言的语言的代码一般是zh_CN,也就是request.lang = ‘zh_CN’。然后他按照’_’ split了,lang最后就等于’zh’。可是在addons/web/i18n/里面并没有zh.po这个文件,既然找不到翻译文件,翻译又怎么会成功呢。
以上问题我已经报告给官方https://bugs.launchpad.net/openerp-web/+bug/1290288 有launchpad帐号的可以进去点一下“This bug affects me”。